Host management System manager


I have enabled the Host management from Master account for all the OU as targets in the option. Host management is showing active in all the accounts but when I checked into any workload OU account, no service roles has been created and EC2 is also not registering itself in Fleet manager. It is not able to use of system manager functionality as suppose to be after enabling Host management.

asked 5 months ago143 views
1 Answer

Please try below high level Troubleshooting Steps , most of the time these tend to be the issues

1 / Verify IAM Role Creation:

Check if the default IAM role for Host management (AWS-SystemsManager-DefaultRole) exists in the workload OUs. Ensure the role has the necessary permissions. If the role is missing, create it manually or use the Default Host Management Configuration feature. Check EC2 Instance Profiles:

2/ Verify that EC2 instances have the correct instance profile attached. - Ensure the instance profile grants necessary permissions.

3/ Review Network Configuration: Check if EC2 instances have outbound internet access. Verify security group rules to allow outbound traffic on required ports (typically 443 for HTTPS).

4/Inspect SSM Agent Status: Check if the SSM agent is installed and running on EC2 instances. Use the ssm describe-instance-information command to verify agent status. Restart the SSM agent if necessary.

5/ Monitor Propagation: Allow sufficient time for changes to propagate through the organization.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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