Migration of windows 10 pro


we need to migrate our windows 10 pro VM from VMware to AWS we can able move the same but the question is how we can manage license part as AWS doesn't provide license to win 10 client OS how do I proceed then?

thanks in advance

2 Answers

You can look at using Amazon WorkSpaces as a Desktop as a Service solution to replace the current Windows 10 workload. If your licensing agreement with Microsoft allows it, you can use your Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Pro desktop licenses for your WorkSpaces. You'll have to meet requirements specified here.

With this option, you will import our own Windows license to AWS and import an OEM VM into AWS for use as a base image. You cannot lift and shift/move your existing workload "as-is" to Amazon WorkSpaces. Applications and OS configuration would need to be customized using a custom image and bundle for Amazon WorkSpaces.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

Amazon Workspaces might be a good choice for you. The FAQ has a few answers how to handle licensing, both license included and BYOL.

answered 3 years ago
  • Can we move our existing 10 workload as it in workspaces?

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