Elemental Link Encoder Software Update


My AWS Elemental Link Encoder device has been connected and idle for three days now but will not update its Software. I have rebooted it several times; a few times by unplugging it for a few minutes. Is there a trick to getting it to update?

asked 2 years ago377 views
1 Answer

I know of two possible causes. The first is that a firewall between the Link and AWS prevents communication with certain hosts or port numbers. TCP port 443 is used for status and control as well as downloading software updates. Assuming the Link device is otherwise functional, port 443 must not be blocked to some hosts. Make sure you don't have a firewall rule getting in the way or try plugging it into a different network. Also, ensure that it remains plugged in and powered up for at least an hour in case it has many updates to install.

Sometimes a bug in the Link software prevented the devices from taking updates. Unfortunately, AWS would need sensitive information from you in order to look into it further for you. If you have the ability, open a ticket with AWS support. re:Post has no way for you to securely provide that to AWS.

answered 2 years ago

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