Feasibility of converting a Serverless Aurora PostgreSQL to Aurora PostgreSQL reserved instance.


Hi AWS community, I want to know the feasibility of migrating an Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless V2 instance to an Aurora PostgreSQL reserved instance without a migration process. And if the only viable option is through Amazon data migration service, I would like to know the process of migration and how to predict the scale of the reserved instance based on the metrics from the Serverless instance. Thank you in advance for your support.

2 Answers

You should be able to restore cluster db snapshot of Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless V2 Instance to Provisioned instance with required instance class. Also note reserved instance is more of billing concept thus when you have restored provisioned cluster with say db.t3.medium you need have to purchased the reserved instances which can align to it.

ANother way could be just add a reader with required instance class to serverless v2 cluster then failover and remove the db.serverless instance.

answered 3 months ago

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