How to start a stream in Kinesis video stream


Hello, I am working on a video streaming project from a camera, I have a camera connected to esp32 and via MQTT I am sending images in base64 and the timestamp, this activates a lambda function that I have in javascript to process the images and start transmitting in kinesis video stream, I get the endpoint and I connect through http and my headers are the next:

':method': 'POST',
      ':path': '/putMedia',
      'x-amzn-stream-name': streamName,
      'x-amzn-producer-start-timestamp': isoTimestamp,
      'content-type': 'application/octet-stream',

I decode the payload and send it, but I have been unable to start the transmission.

Could someone provide me with an example or give me some advice on how to do this?


asked 2 months ago60 views
1 Answer

Thank you for your question about streaming video from your ESP32 camera to Amazon Kinesis Video Streams. After reviewing the official AWS documentation on Kinesis Video Streams Producer Libraries, given your current setup, you may need to adjust your approach:

  1. Instead of sending individual base64 encoded images via MQTT, consider implementing the C++ Producer Library directly on your ESP32.

  2. If you prefer to keep your current setup with Lambda, you'll need to find a way to convert your series of images into a supported video format before sending to Kinesis Video Streams.

  3. The direct use of the PutMedia API, as you're currently attempting, is not covered in the Producer SDK documentation. The libraries are designed to abstract away these low-level details.

For implementation details and code examples, refer to the "Kinesis Video Streams Producer SDK" section in the documentation.

If you decide to use the C++ Producer Library, you'll find guidelines for building and running the library in the documentation.

Remember, the Producer Libraries are designed to handle much of the complexity of streaming to Kinesis Video Streams. If you continue to face issues, you might want to reconsider your overall architecture to more closely align with the intended use of these libraries.

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answered 2 months ago
revised 2 months ago

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