How can read a nested json Map in StepFunction parameter


How can read a nested json Map in StepFunction parameter? below example read dataset1 and dataset2 key from json map? If yes than , how $$.Map.Item.Value pass value to access from ItemSelector

{ "comment": "Example for InputPath.", "dataset1": { "val1": 1, "val2": 2, "val3": 3 }, "dataset2": { "val1": "a", "val2": "b", "val3": "c" } }

Need below format in step function map "ItemsPath": "$.requestPayload.files", "ItemSelector": { "requestPayload": { "context.$": "$.requestPayload.context", "dataset.$": "$.[0].[$$.Map.Item.Value]", "file.$": "$$.Map.Item.Value" } }

asked a year ago725 views
1 Answer

1."ItemsPath": "$.requestPayload.files": This selects the "files" key from the JSON map located at the path "$.requestPayload.files."

  1. "ItemSelector": { ... }: The ItemSelector is a set of expressions to access specific keys or values from the selected map element.

  2. "requestPayload.context.$": "$.requestPayload.context": This accesses the value of the "context" key from the JSON map located at the path "$.requestPayload.context."

  3. "dataset.$": "$.[0][$$.Map.Item.Value]": This selects the first element from the array, which is the current element being processed in the map (specified by "$.[0]"), and then accesses the value based on the key specified by "$$$.Map.Item.Value" (the key in the map being processed).

  4. "file.$": "$$$.Map.Item.Value": This directly accesses the value of the current key being processed in the map ("$$$.Map.Item.Value").

With these expressions, you can read and access the keys "Dataset1" and "Dataset2" from the JSON map within the StepFunction parameter.

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answered a year ago

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