Technical question


Hello AWS Community, I am new to AWS . I have an website on which users can stream pre recorded videos to multiple social media platforms like youtube or facebook etc. I want a scalable solution for both storage and stream. Please guide me what services suits me best. I have website in laravel stack which is using FFMPEG for streaming and there is also an functionality for website users to schedule a stream on that social media platform. so it includes scheduling of multiple users as well and should run smoothly their streaming on desired platforms .So according to these requirements which services suits best for my this business model..Please guide me.Thanks

2 Answers

AWS offers purpose-built media services to make creating, transforming, and delivering digital content fast and easy. You can find these services in this link: Most popular services are: cloudfront(cdn),s3(storage),mediaconvert(like ffmpeg)...Also provide use cases in this link.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

If you are looking for managed solution for streaming you might consider MediaLive. It will allow you to create pseudo steams from prerecorded files. You can use MediaLive workflow wizard ( to create test channel then use created by wizard cloudformation template as reference for channel creation automation.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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