Billing Question


I noticed that I have been paying more than 100 in the last few months. It says charges are for EC2. But I don't see an instance there, shows up as 0 instances. What am I being charged for and how do I avoid that in the future?

asked 6 months ago168 views
2 Answers


With EC2, you will be charged if you have EBS or snapshots in addition to the instance.
Also, is the instance created in another region?
First, check if there are any remaining snapshots or EBS volumes.

It would be helpful if you could share a detailed image of the invoice.

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answered 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago


I understand your concern with the EC2 charges on your AWS Account.

To review the details, Open your Billing Console

Request you to open the particular month's bill in which the charges are present.

On that month's bill page, expand the line item - **Elastic Compute Cloud **

It will show the Region and if you expand it, it will show for which exact resource the charges are for.

If you are unable to find the same. I request you to contact AWS Support so that we will be able to investigate it.

AWS Support -

Thank you

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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