Failed to send file to URL


Hi, I am having a send error in my AWS Elemental Live - Version (L013AE) that is causing my live event to cut off and having to refresh the page to view it again. But this happens to me every 20 minutes or so.
I have checked my internet link as well as my broadcast provider's publish point and I find no errors there.
Reading the documentation it seems to be an encoder error. But I am not sure.
I am sending you the Elemental log. Maybe you have seen it before and can give me some indication of what might be causing these errors.
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer me.

Best regards.

2021-09-08 15:36:14 W [ 60296] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [1] attempts, error [wait operation timed out], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:19 I [ 574] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 421914263 -- 29 ms connect, 1193580 ms upload, 35032 ms wait, 0 ms download (1228641 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:19 I [ 574] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 29 seconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:19 I [ 574] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:19 W [ 574] {1,global} Setting alert [6006] [146-3] [6006-146-3] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:19 I [ 60296] {1,global} [Io::Retry] Delay for 110ms after 0 retries, last error [write on closed fifo]
2021-09-08 15:36:21 W [ 60294] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [1] attempts, error [wait operation timed out], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:21 W [ 60297] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [1] attempts, error [wait operation timed out], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:24 W [ 60298] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [1] attempts, error [wait operation timed out], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 378] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 56093127 -- 29 ms connect, 1203168 ms upload, 35032 ms wait, 0 ms download (1238229 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 378] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 29 seconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 378] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 W [ 378] {1,global} Setting alert [6006] [149-5] [6006-149-5] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 60294] {1,global} [Io::Retry] Delay for 68ms after 0 retries, last error [write on closed fifo]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 706] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 297745764 -- 28 ms connect, 1198982 ms upload, 35031 ms wait, 0 ms download (1234041 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 706] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 29 seconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 706] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 W [ 706] {1,global} Setting alert [6006] [147-1] [6006-147-1] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:26 I [ 60297] {1,global} [Io::Retry] Delay for 78ms after 0 retries, last error [write on closed fifo]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 73532] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 716229389 -- 29 ms connect, 1207848 ms upload, 35032 ms wait, 0 ms download (1242909 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 73532] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 29 seconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 73532] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 W [ 73532] {1,global} Setting alert [6006] [145-2] [6006-145-2] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 60298] {1,global} [Io::Retry] Delay for 183ms after 0 retries, last error [write on closed fifo]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 60296] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 0 -- 0 ms connect, 0 ms upload, 10000 ms wait, 0 ms download (10000 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 60296] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 I [ 60296] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:29 W [ 60296] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [2] attempts, error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:36 W [ 60293] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [1] attempts, error [wait operation timed out], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 19547] {1,global} [SmoothBackgroundPost] thread started. Thread id is [19547]; priority [tpHIGHEST]; scheduling [SCHED_RR]. Bound to [16] CPUs FirstCPU [0]
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60294] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 0 -- 0 ms connect, 0 ms upload, 10000 ms wait, 0 ms download (10000 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60294] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60294] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:36 W [ 60294] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [2] attempts, error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60297] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 0 -- 0 ms connect, 0 ms upload, 10000 ms wait, 0 ms download (10000 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60297] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:36 I [ 60297] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:36 W [ 60297] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [2] attempts, error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:37 I [ 60296] {1,global} Clearing alert: [6006] [146-3] [6006-146-3] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 19687] {1,global} [SmoothBackgroundPost] thread started. Thread id is [19687]; priority [tpHIGHEST]; scheduling [SCHED_RR]. Bound to [16] CPUs FirstCPU [0]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 19688] {1,global} [SmoothBackgroundPost] thread started. Thread id is [19688]; priority [tpHIGHEST]; scheduling [SCHED_RR]. Bound to [16] CPUs FirstCPU [0]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 60294] {1,global} Clearing alert: [6006] [149-5] [6006-149-5] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 60297] {1,global} Clearing alert: [6006] [147-1] [6006-147-1] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 60298] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 0 -- 0 ms connect, 0 ms upload, 10000 ms wait, 0 ms download (10000 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 60298] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 I [ 60298] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:39 W [ 60298] {1,global} Failed to send file to URL after [2] attempts, error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]], retrying.
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 2048] {1,global} [HttpRequestLog] POST 0 22196127 -- 122 ms connect, 1195889 ms upload, 36522 ms wait, 0 ms download (1232533 ms total)
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 2048] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] libcurl extended error [Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 29 seconds]
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 2048] {1,global} [Io::HttpClient] HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]
2021-09-08 15:36:40 W [ 2048] {1,global} Setting alert [6006] [150-6] [6006-150-6] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 60293] {1,global} [Io::Retry] Delay for 73ms after 0 retries, last error [write on closed fifo]
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 19965] {1,global} [SmoothBackgroundPost] thread started. Thread id is [19965]; priority [tpHIGHEST]; scheduling [SCHED_RR]. Bound to [16] CPUs FirstCPU [0]
2021-09-08 15:36:40 I [ 60293] {1,global} Clearing alert: [6006] [150-6] [6006-150-6] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]
2021-09-08 15:36:41 I [ 19976] {1,global} [SmoothBackgroundPost] thread started. Thread id is [19976]; priority [tpHIGHEST]; scheduling [SCHED_RR]. Bound to [16] CPUs FirstCPU [0]
2021-09-08 15:36:41 I [ 60298] {1,global} Clearing alert: [6006] [145-2] [6006-145-2] [OutputSmooth failed for URL, HTTP response [1], error [HTTP POST to failed [request timeout]]]

asked 3 years ago800 views
2 Answers

Hello neok,

Thank you for posting on the forum and providing a snippet of the log lines.

I see you're sending MSS output to which is Google's public DNS server. Are you sure you have the correct destination configured? Based on some of the POSTs in the logs, Live is taking a long time to upload, about 1200 seconds. An initial look suggests this to be some sort of a network issue. But I'd confirm the destination for your MSS output again.

Let me know if you have any questions. I recommend you open a support case from the Elemental Support Center and one of our engineers can work with you to investigate and resolve.

answered 3 years ago

Yes, I purposely changed the IP.
But I fixed it. It was a network problem.

answered 3 years ago

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