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LightSail certificate for a distribution (without a load balancer)

  1. I have created a lightsail distribution
  2. create an SSL certificate
  3. added CNAME records manually through my web hosting company
  4. SSL certificate got valid in LightSail
  5. attached this certificate to my domain
  6. allowed port 443 from any IP

Still https://<sub domain> is not working. (non-SSL (http://) is still working)

request some help on this as I have to resolve this issue for my website hosted with lightsail.


  • Hi User,

    same I done but the ssl certificate is not working. But I reached very close.

    1. the first thing which I understood is that. our Lightsail instance will create only in virginia region - US east 1
    2. now you need to host your website solution on that server with a website name.
    3. now you need to create a distribution on your lightsail account which is free for first 12 months. (An static ip is mendatory to create for distribution which is free)
    4. then you will create a hosted zone in your lightsail account of that website which you upload on your lightsail remote computer. (6 hosted zones are free)
    5. then you need to create custom domains in your distribution. There you will create a ssl certificate which will auto attached with your domains because your domains are added in your lightsail account. Then at last you will see in top right corner of your distribution page. your domains and a cloudfront urls are showing. click on them they will redirect your website. if not then add a firewall route https in your rules page of lightsail instance. this url will have to redirect your website. but due to an unknown reason these urls will redirect an IIS server page. I dont know why.
asked 2 years ago382 views
1 Answer

Thanks for your response. As nothing worked with the LightSail certificate, I resorted to using Let's Certify's free certificate. This met my current requirements. The only downside is that I have to keep renewing the certificate every 3 months. I automated this process which took care of most of that challenge as well.

answered a year ago

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