AWS Amplify add custom domain not possible because top level domain (tld) is not supported.


Hello, I have setup an Amplify App and want to configure a custom domain. Working with Amplify for around 2 weeks I have seen that the console ui has changed. I have previously added a custom domain with tld "art" in the old UI and even in the new UI. Now when I changed my configuration and tried to add the custom domain again there is a small alter popping up on the bottom of the page stating "art tld is not supported".

My domain is not a Route 53 domain. When I select Manual configuration I configure subdomains and select a custom ssl certificate (as I did before) but the "Add domain" button is never enabled.

Any clues why the tld "art" is not supported but previously was? Thanks for your help.

asked 21 days ago93 views
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