How to delete queue in AWS Connect


In AWS Connect, is there a way we can find queues that are not used (usage report) and then remove the queues that are not wanted so that we stay in the service limits for Queues allowed for an instance ? These are not the SQS but the generic queues used to route calls in AWS Connect

asked 2 years ago1204 views
3 Answers

As mentioned in one of answers below, queues can now be deleted programmatically:

There is not currently a way to delete queues in Connect. You could optionally rename the queue for re-use. You can also request a service limit increase on the number of queues for your instance by accessing Service Quotas.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • I agree. Those two options were already accomplished for the immediate use but was looking forward to a way to clean up to keep the total queue numbers low so that it stay under the initial provided service limit. Thanks for responding


A way to find unused queues is by running an historical report against those queues and identify those which to not have any calls on it. This way you can also ensure that they are not used only very infrequently.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Programmatic users can now delete queues via a new endpoint:

answered a year ago

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