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Amazon EMR sg for Master and Core nodes


Why does Amazon EMR creates inbound rule entries for master and core security groups?

Core SG

Master SG

Documentation says that it creates an entry for all request type on all ports and all IPs addresses, I create this sgs using Amazon CloudFormation, so at the moment to erase them, it throws an exception about a circular dependency.

CloudFormation ERROR

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Why does Amazon EMR creates inbound rule entries for master and core security groups?

This is being implemented so that master and core/task nodes can communicate with each other in the cluster. e.g. ICMP for ping and all other ports ( which should be harmless in general ) for hadoop ports e.g. 8020, 8088 and others.

you can read more about this here -

it throws an exception about a circular dependency

Yes, this is expected as well. in your automation, you need to put a logic to delete the inbound rules ( as default outbound rule has allow ) before deleting the security group(s).

answered 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thank you so much for the information, Mr Mishra!

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