Money taken out of my account


I am wondering why $94.22 was taken out of my account yesterday when I haven't brought anything since the 4th of April, 2023. Can anymore here help me out?

asked a year ago288 views
2 Answers

Check your invoice and Cost Explorer to see which services are being charged.
Unnecessary resources must then be removed.

profile picture
answered a year ago

Firstly, make sure the charge is from AWS:

Is the charge that I received on my credit card from AWS?

If the charge is indeed from AWS, take Riku's advice to review your account's billing tools to see if/when you were charged for something. You can do this via Cost Explorer, or via your monthly bill:

Billing Console > Bills

I hope this helps you get to the bottom of it! You can also reach our Support team anytime for additional 1:1 help:

— Chrissy B.

answered a year ago

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