Failed to create App Runner Service due to exceeding service quota of 2


i am deploying my django app on aws app runner using CDK. i am able to deploy 2 app runners but when i tried to setup one more it gives error "Resource handler returned message: "Exceeded service quota for customer *** : 2. (Service: AppRunner, Status Code: 400, Request ID: c0fb1c04-cc3f-4f38-bfd9-aad22d338f4d)" i tried using console but got the same error. Enter image description here

3 Answers

it seems that you have reached the default service quota for the number of AWS App Runner services you can create in a single AWS account. The error message you received indicates that the current quota for your account is set to 2.

To resolve this issue, you can request a service quota increase for your AWS account. Here's how you can do that:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Service Quotas console at [](Services Quota).

  2. In the navigation pane, choose "AWS services."

  3. In the "Search AWS services" box, enter "App Runner" and select it from the search results.

  4. Find the quota named "Services per account" or a similar name that represents the number of App Runner services you can create in your account.

  5. Click on the quota name to view its details.

  6. In the "Actions" menu at the top right, choose "Request quota increase."

  7. In the "New quota value" field, enter the desired number of App Runner services you want to be able to create.

  8. Fill out any additional required information and click "Submit request."

Once you submit the request, AWS will review it, and if approved, they will increase your service quota accordingly. Keep in mind that the approval process may take some time, depending on the complexity of your request and AWS's current workload.

After your quota increase request has been approved, you should be able to create additional App Runner services without encountering the same error.

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answered 2 years ago

Hi There. I experienced exactly the same error. I followed Yusuf's suggestion. and I found that my quota is 30. Or, at least none of the quotas is 2. Please check the following screenshots. the current service quota per account is 30. I doubt requesting an adjustment will solve the problem. please advise.

All Quotas

Service Quota

answered 2 years ago

Hello. I have the same problem. Any solution?

answered a year ago

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