site deleted accidentally from lightsail.


Please help. I've deleted a site this morning on lightsail because it was named as a template but it turns out it was a live site. It was a wordpress site and a lot of the editing was done within the instance so we don't have any build files to rebuild from or snapshots of the site. Is there any way to retrieve it?

asked 2 years ago991 views
1 Answer

According to the following documentation, it seemed possible to restore data if a snapshot was available. [1] [2]

[1] Deleting an Amazon Lightsail instance | Lightsail Documentation
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Deleted instances cannot be recovered. Create a snapshot of an instance before deleting if you might need the data in the instance at a later time.
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[2] Deleting snapshots in Amazon Lightsail | Lightsail Documentation
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This is a permanent operation and can't be undone. You will lose all data on the snapshot when you delete it.
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If there is a backup of the data in the local environment or elsewhere, it may be possible to restore it, but if there is no backup, it will not be possible.

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answered 2 years ago

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