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Can you check whether the service you created is using load balancing or not?
You cannot update an ECS service whether or not to use load balancing.
If you want to change it (i.e. from non-load balancing to load balancing or vice-versa), you need to re-create the service.
You cannot add, remove, or change the load balancer configuration of an existing service.
answered 3 years ago
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- Accepted Answerasked 3 years ago
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- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 8 months ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 2 years ago
- AWS OFFICIALUpdated 6 months ago
Thanks for your response.. Yeah, so I have been adding resources in this stack one at a time. I started with taskDefinition, then FargateService (started with just 1 desired count) with appropriate taskRole and executionRole. Once this deployed successfully I started adding ALB/TG connection. Basically I imported ALB and added listener/targetGroup... I guess it does not like this approach. Based on your response I thought let me delete the stack and recreate with all the resources that I need, and it appears to help.. Now I am further along.. the necessary plumbing between ALB/Listener/TG/Service seems to have been made.. Now the failure is that TargetGroup does not have healthy targets. I wonder if its the security group issue.