Was testing with AWS Workmail, and created few Organizations and deleted them. Now when i am creating the finalised version. I am getting the following error

Failed to create the organization Reason: ORGANIZATION_LIMIT_FOR_ACCOUNT_EXCEEDED

asked a year ago452 views
1 Answer

From the error, I think the limitation is in one of the AWS Organizations quotas.

I think you need to contact AWS support by opening a case with "Account and billing".

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answered a year ago
  • Thanks, but i have deleted all the organisations, shouldn't have that automatically cleared from my account. So i shouldn't need to ask for limit increase.

  • In the meantime, I think contacting AWS support is the best way to get a solution. I expect that there is probably a limitation in one of the URL quotas I presented.

  • Unfortunately this has not helped, i reached out to AWS Support and they duly increased the limit, But i am still getting the same error message :-(

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