homogeneous data migrations in AWS DMS - Aurora PostgresSQL



I am running a migration project from on premise postgresql to Aurora postgresql. When I start I am getting - Internal failure but in cloudwatch logs no special details just: Going to connect to source database: <the ip over here>

How can I continue from here ?

I have followed the below guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dms/latest/userguide/data-migrations.html

Thanks a lot !

asked a year ago446 views
1 Answer


The first thing that you should do is test the connectivity between your on-prem pg server and the replication task on AWS.

So, connect to pg server via ssh and from there try to telnet to the ip addr + port of the replication server / task based on our configuration. See https://netbeez.net/blog/telnet-to-test-connectivity-to-tcp/ for all details.

If tcp session establishes, you may have to look elsewhere, but most of time it is a connectivity issue due to sec group(s) or routing tables in the vpc of your replication server. It can also be an on-prem issue: firewall tcp port to reach replication server on AWS not opened is a very frequent issue.

This older trio of posts will also propose you other aspects to inspect:



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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