Resetting resources after creating a purpose user in IAM


I'm running into problems with resetting my resources. I've noticed this once before after creating a user in IAM to access deepracer - I could reset resources but then it fails to recreate them and complains about existing deep racer roles. After I remove the roles and user it still fails to create, but provides no information.
Has anyone had any experience around this?
Tomasz Ptak

asked 5 years ago378 views
5 Answers

Just an update: I tried the classic "log off and on again" and now it doesn't tell me I need to reset the resources, creation also succeeds.

answered 5 years ago


If you want to reset resources, or delete them, you can follow this process

  1. In the DeepRacer service select "Reset resources"
  2. Go to AWS Lambda and delete the DeepRacer function
  3. Go to Cloudformation and delete the DeepRacer VPC stack
  4. Go to IAM and delete the DeepRacer roles

You can now recreate them from the DeepRacer service by selecting "Create resources".

The above steps do not talk about the DeepRacer S3 bucket. This will remain until you delete it.

Kind regards
De Clercq

answered 5 years ago


answered 5 years ago

I tried this. Deleted everything related Deepracer but now I can neither create resources nor reset it.

  1. There is no create resources option now. Instead, the tick marks are green. But when I submit the model, it says, "The service ran into an internal error".
  2. If I try to reset resources, it complains about the previously deleted roles.
    Either of the methods is not helping. Plz, can anyone help me fix this?
answered 5 years ago

Hey Mano, Try logging out and back in. For some reason in my case the resource creation section was stuck in an odd state that got reset once I did that.

answered 5 years ago

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