How to monitor and check if IoT message broker quotas have been exceeded


Hello everyone,

How do I check whether the following quotas for the IoT message broker have been exceeded?

  • Connect requests per second per account
  • Inbound publish requests per second per account
  • Outbound publish requests per second per account
  • Subscriptions per account
  • Subscriptions per second per account

I am planning to create a CloudWatch alarm for those, but I'm not sure which metric below (or which combination of metrics) corresponds to which quota above:

  • Connect.Success
  • Connect.Throttle
  • PublishIn.Success
  • PublishIn.Throttle
  • PublishOut.Success
  • PublishOut.Throttle
  • Subscribe.Success
  • Subscribe.Throttle
  • Unsubscribe.Success
  • Unsubscribe.Throttle

Please help, thanks.

1 Answer

Hi Perry. These resources are likely useful for you:

How do I check whether the following quotas for the IoT message broker have been exceeded?

The .Throttle metrics will only exist in your account if you have indeed exceeded the relevant quota and throttling occurred.

Here is a description of all the metrics you listed:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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