Seeking Advice: Restoring ElastiCache (Redis) Backup Across AWS Accounts


Hello AWS Community,

I'm currently facing a challenge with AWS ElastiCache for Redis and could use some insights. I have two Redis instances across two separate AWS accounts. My goal is to take a backup from the ElastiCache instance in the first account and restore it onto the Redis instance in the second account.

I've managed to handle the backup part successfully; I've taken the backup and copied it to an S3 bucket. However, when I attempt to restore this backup onto the existing cluster in the second account, I encounter an issue. The system informs me that I can't restore the backup onto an existing cluster.

My intention is to perform this restore in our testing environment. Could anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this? Is there a direct method available, or do we need to consider alternative options?

Any advice or suggestions on how to navigate this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

asked 10 months ago1K views
1 Answer


Did you copy the backup file to the destination S3 bucket using the steps in the document below?

In that case, please try granting read access to the .rdb file by following the steps in the document below.

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answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 10 months ago

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