Invalid VpcLink id {xxxxxx} referenced in integration


Getting the following error message on API Gateway HTTP API VPC Link. The VPC Link is available and I see the ENI for the selected subnet. I have a POST method setup with the VPC Link integration type. I am using the proxy integration. The stage variables are set correctly. The Endpoint URL is an internal EC2 server with an HTTP endpoint on it.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

1 Answer

If you are using HTTP API you need to use a VPC Link that was created for HTTP APIs. Could it be that you are trying to use a VPC Link that was created for REST API?

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
  • I have double checked and the VPC Link I created is for HTTP APIs.

  • The EC2 server is an internal Jenkins server I am trying to be able to hit the github_webhook uri

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