How to reduce High IO cost in Aurora MySQL


I am getting very high I/O request cost near around USD 50,241.39 for 228,369,961,641 IOs.

Is there a way i can reduce the cost.

I found one article to use Aurora I/O-Optimized . Please suggest

Relational Database Service USD 61,005.96 Asia Pacifi c (Mumbai) USD 60,697.77 Amazon Aurora Storage and I/O USD 51,208.10 USD 0.110 per GB-month of consumed storage for Aurora MySQL 8,788.255 GB-Mo USD 966.71 USD 0.220 per 1 million I/O requests for Aurora MySQL 228,369,961,641 IOs USD 50,241.39 Amazon RDS Proxy USD 842.57 $0.017 per hour per vCPU of DB instance running RDS Proxy 49,562.676 Hrs USD 842.57 Amazon Relational Database Service for Aurora MySQL USD 8,647.10 $0.66 per RDS db.r6i.xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL 324.927 Hrs USD 214.45 $5.28 per RDS db.r6i.8xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL 1,519.247 Hrs USD 8,021.63 $7.92 per RDS db.r6i.12xlarge Single-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running Aurora MySQL 18.667 Hrs USD 147.84 USD 0.023 per GB-month of backup storage exceeding free allocation for Aurora MySQL 11,442.568 GB-Mo USD 263.18

1 Answer


Aurora I/O-Optimized allows you to pay more than usual for instance type costs and storage fees, but when you use it, the IO fee becomes 0.

I have confirmed the I/O-Optimized instance type fees and storage fees from the price list above. Instance type charges are calculated to increase by approximately 30%.

instance typeStandard priceI/O-Optimized price

Storage fees will be approximately double.

Standard priceI/O-Optimized price
$0.11 per GB-month$0.248 per GB-month

If you are running one RDS of each instance type per month, changing to Aurora I/O-Optimized should result in the following charges, so I think it may lead to cost reductions.

Storage: 1,933.42
db.r6i.xlarge: 617.76
db.r6i.8xlarge: 4,942.08
r6i.12xlarge: 7,413.12

I also checked with the AWS Pricing Calculator, and I was able to confirm that the price was roughly the same as what I calculated manually.

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answered a month ago
  • What About USD 0.220 per 1 million I/O requests for Aurora MySQL 228,369,961,641 IOs USD 50,241.39

    This IOPS cost. Will it be zero.

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