How to access the standby RDS


Is there a way to access the multi-AZ Oracle RDS using the AWS management console or Oracle Sql Developer similar to the primary RDS or not?

If the Primary DB fails, does AWS automatically switch over to standby RDS or not? How can I test this switch?

2 Answers


Is there a way to access the multi-AZ Oracle RDS using the AWS management console or Oracle Sql Developer similar to the primary RDS or not?

For multi-AZ DB instances, it is not possible to connect to standby.
Multi-AZ clusters can be connected to the lead replica.

If the Primary DB fails, does AWS automatically switch over to standby RDS or not? How can I test this switch?

Yes, in case of failure, the system automatically switches to standby.

It is possible to failover on reboot.

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answered a year ago
Accepted Answer

Amazon RDS for Oracle Multi-AZ has one standby where the standby DB instance is only a passive failover target for high availability. The standby copy is not considered an active database, and can't be queried by applications.

If the primary database instance becomes unavailable the endpoint DNS name that you connect to is redirected to the secondary (which will be now have been promoted to become the new primary)

if you want to test this you can reboot the database and that will force a failover event to occur

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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