Hi guys, im following this tutorial with my root account to try deploy my docker container like this but when im triying assign the role to ECS task definition min 3:45 and doesnt exist.
Steps to try to solve:
- I try recreate role with identity provider.
- Look github documentation to connect this.
- Read AWS doc to search https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/security-iam.html#security_iam_authentication
- Add more privileges administrator, ec2, ecs full access to look if its some error related with auth.
- Logout and login in the root account.
- Search in the task role input.
Im checking i created this in Ohio but there should not be a problem with the regions my ecr and ecs is in the same region and I am trying to associate is a task role, according to what I have read this is global. In the task definition I don't see the role, I tried to create it without role and create another one and I see this new role but not the web identity role to connect to github actions.
For now in github actions output I will not see any errors because I have not completely finished the tutorial I'm only at 3:45min, but I do not understand why in the video if the role appears and I do not.
Minutes ago i modify policy to add same like role task execution and now if show but i dont know if its right or it has security implications.
I updated the question with news
The IAM role displayed in the image is the IAM role used when linking with GitHub. Instead of using this as a task roll, you need to create a task roll separately.