Esp32 IoT Core -> Rule -> Kinesis -> Flink -> Timestream


Hey everyone,

I have a problem. I have an ESP32 with a BME280 sensor. I use platformIO to flash it with RTOS and publish temperature, humidity and pressure to a aws topic. I get the data on IoT Core and have a rule to Kinesis data streams. From there I want to go to managed Flink to Timestream database. My problem is, that the writing to timestream fail because the timestamp is wrong and I dont know how to fix this. I have a python script where I generate data and ingest it directly to Kinesis, it works and I can query the data in timestream. But with the data from IoT core it doesnt work. So it have to be some problem in my c++ code. I was thinking about setting the timestamp in the Flink Java code. Does this makes any sense? I would appreciate help.

Best regards


3 Answers
Accepted Answer

I would recommend you to try, Kinesis to Pipes to Timestream instead of managed Flink. With that you can even set Kinesis’s arrival timestamp and do a no-code ingestion to Timestream. For details look into :

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • It looks really nice. I checked and there is also an "Enrichment" option via lamdba. I think I will give it a try, since I have time until september for the project :)


Thank you very much for the answer. I will try this also. It works now also with Managed Flink, but I still get a few errors in my Cloudwatch logstream. I think they are mainly related to my bad java coding and that I forgot to set up a log bucket for s3. I want to use flink because I want to to learn the analysis (for example: anomaly detection), or is this also possible with Eventbridge pipes? It should also be soft/near real-time capable, because I am writing my thesis about it. Best regards :)

answered a month ago

Hey, I tried the eventbridge pipe. But I cant get the data in... I got this error:

@timestamp 1722814485069 error.awsService timestream error.exceptionType BadRequest error.httpStatusCode 400

This is my data from iot core:

{ "device_id": "ESP32_001", "temperature": 24.23, "humidity": 53.40, "pressure": 1009.36, "timestamp": "2024-08-04T23:09:31Z" }

I have set this rule to Kinesis:

SELECT * FROM 'esp32/bme280'

These are my settings from pipe to Timestream:

Time Field Type: TIMESTAMP_FORMAT Timestamp Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' Time value: $.timestamp Version value: 1


{ "DimensionMappings": [ { "DimensionValue": "$.device_id", "DimensionValueType": "VARCHAR", "DimensionName": "device_id" } ], "MultiMeasureMappings": [ { "MultiMeasureName": "weather_data", "MultiMeasureAttributeMappings": [ { "MeasureValue": "$.temperature", "MeasureValueType": "DOUBLE", "MultiMeasureAttributeName": "temperature" }, { "MeasureValue": "$.humidity", "MeasureValueType": "DOUBLE", "MultiMeasureAttributeName": "humidity" }, { "MeasureValue": "$.pressure", "MeasureValueType": "DOUBLE", "MultiMeasureAttributeName": "pressure" } ] } ], "SingleMeasureMappings": [] }

answered a month ago

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