(ANSWERED) Issues with FBX animations from Adobe Fuse?


So animations from Fuse to Lumberyard seemed to go without a hitch, however...

When I set up inputs and entity motion as per the YouTube tutorials on EMotionFX, when I jerk the mouse around, the model seems to rotate on the Z axis slightly, but it is additive, so after a little bit, it looks like he's running to the right or left, but I'm only pressing W to make him go straight forward, and the player entity is moving forward as the W is supposed to. I believe this has something to do with the animation blends not ending correctly, but should it really even matter if the root is the hips? Messing around a bit, I can get it to run slightly left and right as well... So I'm not quite sure what's going on. Using a camera gem, I'm getting the same issue, so I don't think it's with the camera.


Anybody know what setting I should be looking at to get this corrected?

asked 6 years ago230 views
6 Answers
Accepted Answer

Testing with just idle, walk, and run, it seems to be working correctly with the ground root bone. Looks like I have a LOT of converting to do. Thanks for the help, @REDACTEDUSER

answered 6 years ago

This must be related to the motion extraction. Did you set that to the hips? It can be that something bad is happening there. It is generally best to create a custom root node that is a projected version of the hips onto the ground. Even though the LY code does that internally, there are still some accuracy issues with that, although I haven't see this one yet.

If you cannot find a fix, pehaps we could have a look at the model and animation to investigate? Also can you maybe see if it happens with all animations or just one specific one that introduces the error?

answered 6 years ago

Also, if I stop running and start running again, he starts to rotate slightly to the left. So start, stop, start, stop, start, stop, he's facing rather left, and has moved away from the camera.


answered 6 years ago

I'm rebuilding the player character's animations, inputs, and blends to see if perhaps it was a small mistake in there somewhere. I have 2 different model and animations available, with a hip root node and a ground root node attached to the hip. If the rebuild doesn't work for the hips, then I'll try again with the ground root node.

Hip Root Model FBX:


Hip Root Forward Run Animation FBX



answered 6 years ago

Working on it in EMotion FX, and he's turning to the left when I start and stop the walk animation. No turning or anything in it right now, just idle, walk, run. This is using the hip root. I'll try it with the floor root and see if it fixes anything.

answered 6 years ago



answered 6 years ago

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