SES Production Access total lack of response


I have a support ticket open for more than 72 hours requesting access to SES production mode.

The only response I got so far was just an automatic message just after opening the ticket asking for more details about the use case. Which is very convenient on the part of aws, even informing all the details in the initial request, this automatic message is sent just to put the ticket in the "waiting for customer action".

I already sent other messages in the same ticket asking for a response. Asking if they need more details from me. I'm not even sure if my case is actually being analyzed. No answer.

If you are not competent to process a basic request like this, at least have the courtesy to inform that more time will be needed. This is unacceptable.

Support Case ID: xxxxxxxxxx - Ann D. 9/2/23, removed Case ID for privacy

3 Answers

Did you try creating the case using chat option and follow up on autogenerated case from SES and see if a support engineer can help on chat.

Also, make sure you are choosing appropriate severity level, with each of the severity level, there is response time and you may get the response based on the severity which you chose at the time of case creation.

Enter image description here

Refer Creating support cases and case management for more details.

Hope this helps.


profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • In the SES web console, when in sandbox mode, there is a link precisely to request access to production mode. That's what I used, it opens the ticket automatically in a standardized way for that specific request.

  • I understand that, all I am mentioning here is, if you have support plan through which you can create case, please open a case mentioning the same that I've been waiting for this case to be acted upon. Hope this helps.

  • I don't have a support plan. And I don't need it, especially for a demand for an internal procedure created by AWS itself. Good to know that current AWS policy is to create problems for their customers and then sell support plans.

  • That option is suggested if you have support plan but not the other way, which is to purchase support plan to get help. AWS re:post community is to help and provide guidance in best possible way, this platform is not to sell or promote any product/offering. Hope you understand that.

  • I have been now waiting a week for a response to my production request, after responding to the automated message


This is insane, I also wait for 7 days already

answered a year ago

I'm encountering the same prolonged delay for SES production access with no response from AWS Support. It's been days without progress, suggesting a possible platform issue. For a company of AWS's stature and value, a bit more quality assurance on these processes could greatly enhance customer experience. Has anyone had a resolution or received updates on their request?

answered 10 months ago

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