Log streams generated but no logs found in it


I'm trying to deploy terraform code through AWS codepipeline, for which I have 2 buildspec files buildspec.yaml & buildspec-apply.yaml but not able to see the logs when stages are ran, I can see log group created also log stream created but there's no logs generated

1 Answer

To troubleshoot the issue of missing logs in your AWS CodePipeline deployment using Terraform, you should first verify the syntax of your buildspec files and ensure that the IAM role associated with your CodeBuild project has the necessary permissions to write logs to the CloudWatch Log Group. Additionally, you should check the CloudWatch Log Group settings, add more detailed logging to your Terraform deployment process within the CodeBuild buildspec files, and verify that the CloudWatch Log Group name matches what your CodeBuild project is configured to use. If the issue persists, you may need to investigate any problems with the CodeBuild project itself, check the CloudWatch Log Streams for any error messages, review the CodePipeline execution history, and potentially reach out to AWS Support for further assistance.

answered 4 months ago

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