Amazon Connect contact lens not streaming data to Kinesis Data Stream


I am trying to stream contact lens data (specifically the audio transcription data) into my kinesis data stream.

I have

  1. enabled contact lens
  2. created a kinesis stream
  3. associated it with contact lens via REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_VOICE_SEGMENTS
  4. added Set recording and analytics behavior Block to my flow

But there is no data streamed when I call the phone number. Am I missing a step here? Do I need to set additional permissions or policies? Do I need to create a rule for it to start streaming?

Please help.

1 Answer

Based on the information provided, it seems that you have followed the necessary steps to enable contact lens, create a Kinesis stream, associate it with contact lens, and add the required block to your contact flow.

However, since you mentioned that no data is being streamed when you call the phone number, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  1. If you are using Lambda as the consumer of your Kinesis Data Stream, you can check the CloudWatch metrics to see if any invocations occurred. This will help you verify if data is being sent to the stream and if the Lambda function is being triggered.

  2. You can check the Kinesis Data Streams metric called "IncomingRecords" to verify whether data is being sent to the stream or not. If the metric shows no incoming records, it could indicate an issue with the data streaming process.

  3. It's recommended to check the contact flow logs to see if any errors or issues are being reported. The logs may provide valuable insights into what's happening during the call and help identify potential issues.

answered 3 months ago

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