QS Numeric Filters on Decimal


Looking to add a comparison filter for a data set containing decimal data type. This article (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quicksight/latest/user/add-a-numeric-filter-data-prep.html) seems to indicate that only integers and not decimals can have comparison filters applied. The data type is related to finance, so can't convert to integer and sacrifice accounting credibility/data integrity. Looking for help or confirmation re: this issue. Thanks!

asked a year ago230 views
2 Answers

Hi, thanks for your question. Could you give an example of the decimal field value ? Comparison filters are supported for decimal fields but according to the post, it doesn't support for negative and commas. Enter image description here

answered a year ago
  • Hi! The values I'm bringing in are dollar amounts. No commas are included in the values, but some of the values pulled are negative. Not sure if those negatives ultimately contribute to the issue if the values being displayed are those being summed. I'm organizing the sum of $ for each unique entity. I'd like to filter the results to display sum of those entities whose spend is above a $50k threshold.



QuickSight supports comparison filter on fields with decimal data as well as with negative values. The only requirement is that data cannot contain comma.

To illustrate this example, I have created the following dataset: Dataset

Then I created an analysis with a comparison filter on column values (decimal) with condition Greater than. By filtering data that is greater than -30.20, it's able to filter out the record -200.10 which is out of filter value. Comparison filter

With regards to the following statement from the documentation, a documentation update request has been created internally to get it updated.

Comparison values must be positive integers and can't contain commas.

answered a year ago

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