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Amazon SES connection error - "Authentication Credentials Invalid"


I had setup a fresh EC2 instance with postfix service, configured to send mails via SES . But it fails send mail and shows authentication failure as error in the mail log. Log is attached below :

Jun 20 18:35:44 test postfix/smtp[9518]: 9264412CE2D: to=< >,[]:587, delay=3.5, delays=0.06/0/3.4/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (SASL authentication failed; server[] said: 535 Authentication Credentials Invalid)

I was able to send mail from the same EC2 instance by using SES of a different AWS account.

Both these accounts were configured the same way, with same policies. But still the mails send via the SES service on this AWS account fails.

So I doubt the emails send out from this AWS account is being blocked by AWS. Can anyone please let me know your thoughts and any solutions/suggestions on the same ?

asked a year ago611 views
1 Answer

Hi, is the new instance in same region and same account? If not, you need to generate new credential as per

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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