How to reduce the get customer input block time to 1 sec?


I have Amazon Lex bot integrated with Amazon Connect. When get customer input block triggers it takes 2-3 seconds turn around time. I want to reduce it to 1sec only. How can I achieve this? No backend calls involved.

  • 1/ Is this delay happening on every single call or only the first time after an idle period? 2/ Is your Lex bot in the same region as the Connect instance, and can you see any logs that provide timestamps so you can see whether the delay is on the Connect flow block side, or on the Lex side?

1 Answer

The first few times you interact with the bot it will be slower, but if you place 10 calls back to back the last handful of calls should show a steady response time. The delay should happen as the customer says something and then the bot responds.


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answered a year ago

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