CNAME redirect to Amazon Managed Grafana URL


Hi, I need to redirect one of my subdomains to the URL of an Amazon Managed Grafana. I used to have an EC2 instance running Grafana so I easily had a static IP address, but now I migrated the service to the Amazon Managed Grafana and haven't found a way of associating a static IP address to it's public URL. Thanks for any help!

1 Answer

Once you create the Amazon Managed Grafana, it will automatically create an VPC endpoint "Powered by Privatelink" within your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You can find the DNS name associated with it inside your AWS Management Console, which will be in the format com.amazonaws.region.grafana.

To redirect a subdomain to your Amazon Managed Grafana instance, you can set up a CNAME record in your DNS configuration. This record will point your chosen subdomain to the generated DNS name.

For detailed instructions on how to configure VPC endpoints for Amazon Managed Grafana, you can refer to the official documentation here.

Note: Just to consider that the Endpoint will have a private IP from the VPC IP Subnet

This setup will allow you to easily access your Amazon Managed Grafana instance using your chosen subdomain.

answered a year ago

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