Performance Insights option is not available while modifying a database with Aurora Mysql 2.06 engine


Hello, On one of my RDS clusters, i got the recommendation to turn on performance insights. When I tried to modify the database with Aurora Mysql 2.06 engine with instance type db.r4.xx , I am not getting the option to enable the insights. Do I have to upgrade it to a higher minor version (2.07 or 2.09) to get that option visible?


3 Answers


Performance Insights is compatible with Amazon Aurora MySQL-Compatible 2.04.2 and higher 2.x versions, except for Aurora DB clusters that allow for parallel queries, which requieres 2.09.0. In that your case?

On the other hand and just to confirm, you must turn on Performance Insights on for each instance in the cluster, not at the cluster level. Is what you're doing?

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answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your reply. The aurora_parallel_query parameter is OFF in my case and I checked both instance and cluster properties, yet unable to find that option. I will be doing a minor upgrade to 2.11 to see if it works.

Accepted Answer


Thank you for asking your question.

Aurora MySQL2.06 version is already deprecated [1]. After upgrade to 2.07.9(latest LTS version as of writing) or 2.11.3/2.12.0, you can see this option in the console.


I hope this might help.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for your reply. Yes, that's the plan. I will upgrade it this weekend and let you know if it works.

  • It worked. Upgraded the minor version to 2.11.2 and Performance Insights are enabled now.


Hi, based on those 2 articles, it should work. You can't see this option in a console?

In a console the earliest version is 2.07.9 and it has Performance insight option.

Maybe you need to update to 2.07.9.

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answered a year ago
  • The option is not available in the console when I am modifying the database/DB Cluster.

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