cPanel username and password - same as WHM ?


I am using the QuickStart Guide for a Lightsail cPanel & WHM server instance. All WHM settings are updated, including WHM password as per QuickStart guide. But when I attempt to log into cPanel (:2083) I am unsuccessful using the WHM login username and updated password. Attempts to request a cPanel password reset fail because the accepted emails setup on WHM are not accepted for a cPanel password reset. Any ideas ?

asked 2 years ago818 views
1 Answer

Hi, @mcdsp.

cPanel username and password - same as WHM?


I introduced how to use WHM and cPanel below.
Notice how I created a separate cPanel account along the way.
You should have been issued a unique username and password for your cPanel account.

If you can sign in to WHM, try editing your cPanel account.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Howdy iwasa,

    I did the steps you outlined and am at the point where I can publish my website. I found it annoying that the QuickStart guide provided in the cPanel & WHM based Lightsail server instance did not specify the need to also create a cPanel account, nor did it cover the need to update the static IP address of the WHM license (trial or regular) to make it work.

    Thanks for replying to my post.

  • yes. I too got confused the first time I used WHM & cPanel. I am happy to solve it. Please mark as Accept when the problem is solved.

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