S3 Intelligent Tiering Frequent Access storage vs S3 Standard storage class availability comparison


Built for Availability dropping from 99.99% (S3 Standard) to 99.9% (Intelligent Tiering) and Availability SLA 99.9% (S3 Standard) to 99% (Intelligent Tiering) is a problem and would likely make S3 Intelligent Tiering unviable for my customer. In Intelligent Tiering, is the availability more of a range depending on where the object is being stored like the storage cost aspect? I need to know under the hood, practically, does S3 Intelligent Tiering Frequent Access have a lower Availability SLA than S3 Standard Access, or are they effectively the same? IF in practice, the availability of the infrastructure in place only really drops after an object hasn't been accessed in 30 days and that S3 object gets moved to Infrequently Accessed storage, that would be acceptable to the customer.

asked 10 months ago454 views
1 Answer

Please note that the availability of the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class is 99.9% which includes all the sub tiers - Frequent Access tier, Infrequent Access tier and Archive Instant Access tier and the availability of the S3 Standard storage class is 99.99%. Thus the availability would not depend on the sub tiers for the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class.

The pricing for both the S3 Standard storage and Frequent Access Tier (Intelligent-Tier storage class) are same, however the availability of the data in S3 Standard storage class is 99.99% and in S3 Intelligent-Tiering is 99.9%.

You may refer the following documentation for more details: [+] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage-class-intro.html#sc-compare

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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