Elasticache migration from one account to another


I have an Elasticache running on Redis engine (version 5.0.6), with 1 node and cluster mode and multi-az modes disabled. I want to migrate the Elasticache from this account to another account. I looked up several articles which say to create a backup of Elasticache and use an s3 bucket to send the backup to the target account. However, I don't want to use this method as I will possibly have to take multiple snapshots of the existing Elasticache Redis. I asked gpt4 and it suggested using the live replication method. But I don't seem to find any article or documentation about it. But this method seems good as it will continuously replicate new data from the old Elasticache to the new one until I decommission the old one from production. Help me to find an easy and cost-effective approach for this migration. PS: I am no expert in Redis and Elasticache. If I need any prior knowledge let me know about that too.

asked 3 months ago267 views
1 Answer

Hi rafid,

Please try this below solution.

Step-by-Step Guide for Migrating ElastiCache Redis Between AWS Accounts Using Live Replication

Set Up the Target ElastiCache Redis Instance:

  • In the target AWS account, create a new ElastiCache Redis instance with the same configuration as the source instance (version, node type, etc.).


Enable Access Between Accounts:

  • Ensure the source and target ElastiCache instances can communicate. This may involve setting up VPC peering or using Transit Gateway.
  • Update the security groups and network ACLs to allow traffic between the instances on port 6379.




Configure Source Redis as Master and Target Redis as Slave:

  • Connect to the target Redis instance using the Redis CLI or a similar tool.
  • Run the SLAVEOF command on the target instance to make it a replica of the source instance:
redis-cli -h <target-redis-endpoint> -p 6379
SLAVEOF <source-redis-endpoint> 6379

Monitor Replication:

  • Monitor the replication process to ensure data is being copied correctly. Use the INFO REPLICATION command:

redis-cli -h <target-redis-endpoint> -p 6379

Cutover and Promote the Target:

  • Once ready to switch to the new instance, promote the target Redis instance to master:
redis-cli -h <target-redis-endpoint> -p 6379

Update your applications to connect to the new Redis instance.

Decommission the Old Instance:

  • After verifying the new instance is working correctly, decommission the old Redis instance.


Prerequisites and Considerations

1. Basic Redis Knowledge:

  • Understand Redis replication concepts, master-slave architecture, and relevant commands (SLAVEOF, INFO REPLICATION).
  • Redis Documentation

2. Network Configuration:

  • Familiarize yourself with VPC peering, security groups, and network ACLs to enable communication between instances in different AWS accounts.
  • VPC Peering
  • Security Groups
  1. Monitoring and Maintenance:
  • Monitor the replication process and troubleshoot any issues such as network latency or replication lag.


4. Testing:

  • Test the entire process in a staging environment before performing the migration in production to identify any potential issues.
answered 3 months ago

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