STM32L4 discovary board AWS IoT Tera Term Error


So I went through all the steps to connect the STM32L4 to the AWS Cloud although the error I am receiving on Tera Term is shown in the image below, how do I rectify this issue? Tera Term Output when the STM32L4 discovary board is programmed

asked 2 years ago231 views
2 Answers

Hi Obinex. The invalid packet error is unexpected. You have established a TLS connection, but failed to get an MQTT connection. Can you please check, and perhaps share, the IoT policy attached to the certificate? You would fail at this same stage if the policy did not allow connection or there was no policy attached. Although in that case I would expect MQTTRecvFailed not MQTTBadResponse.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hey Greg_B thank you for the reply I have attached a screenshot of the policy of my device below:


Enter image description here

answered 2 years ago

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