Restored Glacier object cannot be copied


I need advice on why an object that has been successfully restored from Glacer can't be copied or have the ability to transition back to a S3 storage class. I'm not expecing to have to downlod and re-upload the object as I didn't have to do this last time.

Snippet from S3 console

I need to restore objects to trigger sync to a second AWS region and change the storage class to Gacier Deep Archive.

asked 2 years ago131 views
1 Answer

Copying restored objects isn't supported in the Amazon S3 console, as also mentioned here - For this type of copy operation, use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), the AWS SDKs, or the REST API. To change the object's storage class to Amazon S3 Standard, use copy. To perform a recursive copy for an entire prefix and overwrite existing objects with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class, run the following command: aws s3 cp s3://awsexamplebucket/dir1/ s3://awsexamplebucket/dir1/ --storage-class STANDARD --recursive --force-glacier-transfer Ref:

answered 3 months ago

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