Cannot create new "Graphics with Windows 10" WorkSpace


I'm trying to create a new WorkSpace in the Frankfurt region with Graphics.
When all is done, I receive an error message:

An Error Has Occurred
If you continue to experience an issue contact the AWS Support Team on the community forums and via AWS Premium Support at:

I'm confused since I'm doing the same thing with other bundles and it all works just fine. What are we doing wrong? Any help is appreciated how to bugfix this - if even possible for us.

Edited by: wolke7 on May 9, 2019 5:02 AM

asked 5 years ago340 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi wolke7,

You probably need a limit increase. Please create a support ticket and they will be able to help.


answered 5 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago


Are you still facing any issues launching graphics with Windows 10 WorkSpaces?

If yes, could you please raise a support case and we would like to investigate it further. Generally, in majority of the cases. this is due to the limits which can be increased by submitting a limit increase request with us from your AWS support console.

answered 5 years ago

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