View Tables not working on resource links in AWS Lake Formation


Hello I have created a resource link to a shared database from a different account. I am able to query the tables within the database but "Show tables from <database>" and "View Tables" on the AWS Lake Formation UI is not working. Getting "Unknown exception occurred" error.

I have ensured the IAM Role has the required Describe permission on the Resource Link.

Error when executing "Show tables from <database>"

  • AnalysisException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Unknown exception occurred. (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 500; Error Code: InternalServiceException; Request ID: 212c6029-dbd8-42ce-a313-84a5ed521352; Proxy: null))
asked a year ago582 views
1 Answer


From the error message, I can see that the issue is coming from Glue and causing an Internal service Exception. Can you please check if you are able to see the database and tables from glue console? This is not an issue we have seen on our end and we would be needing more details on the issue, your resources and the cross account setup process.

Hence, I request you to please open a support case with AWS LakeFormation providing the error -

Thank you.

answered a year ago

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