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How do I assess my on-premise SQL Server database for readiness to AWS RDS for SQL Server migration?


How do I assess my on-premise SQL Server database for readiness to AWS RDS for SQL Server migration?

  • Is there a SAMPLE assessment report I can take a look highlighting SAMPLE remediations?

2 Answers

You can consider using AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to migrate your data. Take a look at DMS Fleet Advisor which collect metadata and performance metrics and generates right-sized target recommendations.

Considerations and approaches can be found in DMS's Step-by-Step Migration Guide for SQL Server

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Is there something equivalent of Azure Data Studio > Assessment as mentioned on this link - Say, I have 50 databases to be migrated, I want to perform assessment and notify respective Application team about remediation required. Plan for actual migration once I see assessment report shows ALL GREEN and then cut over comes.

  • Thanks for clarification. I have updated original post to include DMS Fleet Advisor


I would suggest running the AWS SCT Reports for SQL Server and see if AWS RDS SQL Server does not support any of the on-premises features then you can decide on RDS/EC2.

answered a year ago

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