EMR serverless job spark UI not accessible after application restart


EMR serverless job Spark UI/history server is not accessible once application restart. Application is configured with below options to reduce cost. [Auto start application- Automatically starts on job submission. Auto stop application- Automatically stops after application is idle for 1 mins.]

asked 2 years ago1.5K views
1 Answer

I understand that you are unable to access the application UI on EMR Serverless, I just did quick test and I was able to view the Application UI with no issue for running and completed jobs, However will not be able view the Application UI for the cancelled job. I see that the behavior is expected in the EMR Serverless/Studio console

You could also see if Job run 00fxxxxxx09 for applicationId 00xxxxx09 is not in RUNNING state. You can view the Spark History Server for completed jobs from Studio.

Referenced in link [1] describes monitoring EMR Serverless applications and jobs, feel free to peruse it. If you would like to get more details and troubleshooting the issue please reach out to AWS Premium support for better understanding and resolution.

References: [1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/EMR-Serverless-UserGuide/metrics.html : Monitoring EMR Serverless applications and jobs

answered 2 years ago

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