How do I stop getting billed for Services that I can't turn off/disable/delete?


I am getting billed for Key Management Service and Could Map, but I have navigated to both of those services and I don't see a way to delete the resource.

For example, in KMS, I see an S3 default key and a cloud9 key, but no way to delete them. I do NOT have an S3 buckets provisioned (or at least none I can find) and the same goes for cloud9. The bill is not large, but I really thought I had every resource deleted and expected to no longer receive a bill.

Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

asked a year ago319 views
2 Answers

Assuming the Keys you mentioned are AWS managed keys, you won't be able to delete them since these are the default keys created for different AWS services but you won't be charged for the storage of these keys, Amazon States the following;

You are not charged for the following:

Creation and storage of AWS managed or AWS owned KMS keys. These keys are automatically created on your behalf when you first attempt to encrypt a resource in an AWS service that integrates with AWS KMS. You can neither manage the lifecycle nor access permissions on AWS managed keys.

Source ->

The only charge that would occur would be the chargers for the API calls.

I would suggest you take a look at AWS Cost explorer and filter by usage or service type. This will provide you with a better idea of where these chargers are coming from and identify any resources that are the cause of this.

AWS Cost Explorer ->

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answered a year ago

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