Rekognition Reporting Moderation labels mis-classifications


This image is being identified as explicit nudity via the Rekognition detectModerationLabels API Is there a better place to report issues like this?

Pig in a Circle

  "moderationLabels": [
      "name": "Explicit Nudity",
      "parentName": "",
      "confidence": 92.17741
      "name": "Illustrated Explicit Nudity",
      "parentName": "Explicit Nudity",
      "confidence": 92.17741
asked 2 years ago306 views
1 Answer


Amazon Rekognition’s Content Moderation models have been and tuned and tested extensively, but we recommend that you measure the accuracy on your own data sets to gauge performance.

You can use the ‘MinConfidence’ parameter in your API requests to balance detection of content (recall) vs the accuracy of detection (precision). If you reduce ‘MinConfidence’, you are likely to detect most of the inappropriate content, but are also likely to pick up content that is not actually inappropriate. If you increase ‘MinConfidence’ you are likely to ensure that all your detected content is truly inappropriate but some content may not be tagged.

Use this link to provide feedback on the support case to exactly mention your use-case !!

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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