Can Oracle RDS custom be used to deploy Oracle RAC ?


Can Oracle RDS custom be used to deploy Oracle RAC ?

Its not clear on the documentation, whether its applicable to deploy Oracle RAC on Oracle RDS custom or not, since the first step into RDS custom is to create the CEV, so in this case the CEV will contain both GI and DB software and patches, or what exactly ?

also where to specify the other details for the RAC, like number of nodes, ASM configuration, cluster name, SCAN name, or in form of silent installation response file, ......

I've also tried to search on the AWS reference architectures, but could not find also.

asked 10 months ago628 views
1 Answer

According to

Q: Is Oracle RAC supported on Amazon RDS? No, RAC is not currently supported.

So I don’t think it’s applicable for rds custom.

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answered 10 months ago

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