I want to use Lightsail to but it doesn't seem to allow uploads to S3 buckets


Hi all,

Like the subject says, I'm trying to write a NodeJS app and deploying using Lightsail and one of the features requires the user uploading a large file to an S3 bucket. I'm trying to use the AWS SDK API to do this but I need API access keys. When i tried to get API access keys, AWS tells me that these are only good for "AWS compute service like Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS, or AWS Lambda to access your AWS account." Is it just not good practice to use Lightsail in this way? My app is a very simple service that is just upload a file, process it, then return results. Thank you for any help or guideance.

asked a year ago455 views
1 Answer


Normally, EC2 etc. use IAM roles to access S3, so there is no need to issue an access key.
In the case of Lightsail, you cannot set an IAM role, so you need to issue an access key from an IAM user.

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answered a year ago

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