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SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:10: Function to_number not registered


I am getting the error message in the title box when attempting to run a query. I believe the following line is where the problem is : TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(T1."INVOICE_DATE" ,'YYYY')) "c1",

asked 2 years ago334 views
2 Answers

TO_NUMBER is not a function that works in Athena.

Rather use cast(value AS type) or try_cast(value AS type). For example try CAST(TO_CHAR(T1."INVOICE_DATE" ,'YYYY') AS int)

Reference: Please refer to Functions in Athena

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


Error line 1:49: mismatched input ')'. Expecting: <expression>

answered 2 years ago

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